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굴어당 2011. 5. 1. 18:01



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Mexican Drug War 2011 Update

Country: Mexico, United States

Portfolio: Risk of U.S. Debt Default

Country: United States

This Week's Naval Update Map

This Week's Naval Update Map

A weekly approximation of the current locations of U.S. Carrier Strike Groups and Amphibious Ready Groups, based on available open-source information. (With STRATFOR map.)

Graphic of the Day

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Proposed Changes to Nigeria's State Organization Structure

Much-needed reform of the oil and gas sector in Nigeria, Africa’s largest oil-producing state, would involve reorganizing the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), which is both a regulatory body and state-owned oil and gas company. Proposed legislation would create independent entities from a number of NNPC divisions, reassigning responsibilities for policy-making; technical matters; upstream, midstream and downstream operations; gas regulation; and research and development. But the makeover will not be easy. The Nigerian state is a vast pyramid of patronage with decisive power resting on the president’s desk in Abuja. Competition for ever-greater allocations of oil revenue has created an artificial reliance on the central government, with the NNPC serving as chief enabler. Hence, any attempt to restructure the NNPC will affect the country to its core, impacting entrenched political power bases as well as average Nigerians who are growing ever more dependent on gasoline and electricity for living a modern life.

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Graphic of the DaySee More

Proposed Changes to Nigeria's State Organization Structure

Much-needed reform of the oil and gas sector in Nigeria, Africa’s largest oil-producing state, would involve reorganizing the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).

Moammar Gadhafi's Son Reportedly Killed In Airstrike

April 30, 2011 2336 GMT
Son of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, Seif al-Arab, was killed in a NATO airstrike April 30, reports say. [more]

Zimbabwe and the Ivory Coast Example

April 30, 2011 1422 GMT
While some drawn comparisons between Zimbabwe and Ivory Coast, which recently saw the forcible remover of former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo, significant differences between the two countries' situations exist. [more]

The Fault Line Within Iran's Political System

April 29, 2011 2103 GMT
The row between Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei over the country's intelligence czar has evolved into a serious standoff that is essentially about the built-in fault line within the country's political structure. [more]

Iran Benefiting from the Saudi Presence in Bahrain

April 29, 2011 2036 GMT
Though the Saudi deployment of forces in Bahrain has quelled that country's Shiite uprising for now, the wider struggle between Iran and Saudi Arabia is only beginning. [more]

Pakistani Militants Increase Attacks in Karachi

April 29, 2011 1717 GMT
Incidents during the week of April 24 indicate an uptick in militant attacks in the southern Pakistani port city of Karachi. [more]
Geopolitical Weekly Free

Iraq, Iran and the Next Move

April 26, 2011 0854 GMT
An apparent U.S. strategy of careful neglect is a risky one in the Persian Gulf. [more]
Security Weekly Free

The Kaspersky Kidnapping - Lessons Learned

April 28, 2011 0850 GMT
Although it had a happy ending, the case illustrates that even amateurs can successfully locate and abduct the son of a billionaire. [more]
Geopolitical Diary

Egypt's Changing Foreign Policy Attitudes

April 29, 2011 0540 GMT
The new military government in Egypt has embarked on a slew of new foreign policy attitudes, to the surprise of Israel. [more]
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